Sunday, February 18, 2007


From JANIE <>:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2007 01:24 AM
Subject: Blanche Get rid of all that you are indebted for not even mailing an other dollar


Man! You have got one satisfied customer here. You see I availed myself of your services to completely Abolish all of my 55,000 dollars in bank card balances. I was given the opportunity to rid myself of all balances almost instantly without using insolvency, counseling, or counseling. Now, I'M back in the driver’s seat and ALL of my high-interest obligations, fines, and fees are gone Lawfully and justly For good.

You are reputed to be the number one throughout the nation I totaly agree I will be recommending all my relatives and officemates to call you. They would be insane not to get in touch with you straight away. I can not thank you enough, you have made life much brighter for me.

Johhn C. in Texas

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Conprehensive knowledge or to bring to an end obtaining or to observe postal

I have cultivated science, more than to fool with some simple electrical experiments, so I owe nothing to either science or the Demon of Electricity, so far as I can see.

But consider, remonstrated the Demon, rising to his feet and speaking in a pleading voice, consider the years that must elapse before any one else is likely to strike the Master Key. And, in the meanwhile, consider my helpless position, cut off from all interest in the world while I have such wonderful inventions on my hands for the benefit of mankind.

This is a new technique. You receive a message like a forward o re-send e-mail with some addressees to receive the spam message.

I suppose many people are caught with this technique.

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