Saturday, August 11, 2007

Chin*a Y+ouTV (C)(p){.} CTV

(H)[g](e) {w}(s) To I+mpact {C}(Y)[T]{V}

Chin*a Y+ouTV (C)(p){.}
Symbol#: [C][T][V]

We {h}{v}[e] a#lready {s}[e]{e}(n) CYT.V's mark-et i+mpact bef,ore cli_mb#ing to [o](v){e}[r] $2.`00 [w](i){h} [n](e)(w)(s)(.)

Pr.ess Rel#ease:

C#hina YouTV*'s C*nBoo {W}[e](b) (S)(i)(t){e} R.anks (N)[.][1] on Microsof**t [L](v){e} Sea#rch E+ngine
Cn`Boo Tr.affic I.ncrea_ses {4}(9){%} [O]{r} {T}[o] Mo*nths

[R](e)(a)(d) {t}(h)(e) new,s, th,ink abou#t [t][h](e) im#pact, and

on {t}[h][i]{s} fir#st t^hing To_*morrow m,orning*! $0.`42 is a {i}(t) at {t}[s] pri*c#e.....

Do [y](o){u}[r] h-ome-work [a][n]{d} watc-h (h){s} tra+de Mond_ay mornin*g.

Another spam technique... put some brackets into the text

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