One contact on my messenger list has a hole on her account and this scammer can send spam messages like this:
Hello friends
Let us introduce ourselves as a leading trading firm in beijing china.If you are a wholesaler or retailer of electronic products, so here is a right place for you at ≮≯ our company is specialized in handling the import and export of a wide range of electronic products with many versions.such as Laptops,Notebooks,TVs,HDTVs,Mobile Phone,GPS,Digital Cameras,Game console,and so on,our company has been in this line of business for many years and enjoys high international prestige.our products are of very good quality and our firm is always regarded by our customers as the most reliable one,now we are pleased to inform you that we have just marketed the new products.and if you order more,you can get 5% to 20% discounts and we offer dropshipping to our resellers.Wish you enjoy exploring experience on our website.we want to establish partner relationship with each of our clients.if you have any questions ,please don't hesitate to tell us .Look forward to doing happy business with you in the future.Address: Beijing , China
TEL: +86-015083417649
Site ≮≯
Mail: ≮≯
Msn: ≮≯
I came across this website and the pricess are way too good to be true + the spellings mistakes and email domains (yahoo, hotmail) really had me thinking otherwise :) i added the customer services email to my msn and talked to the REP on the other side. The site suggests they used to accept paypal but due to chargebacks they no longer accepts it. I WORK FOR PAYPAL IN DUBLIN i checked their account and found out that they never used paypal however someone created their PayPal account using the same address registered on their website but with 0 activity on it wasnt very convencing. The company only accepts western union and bank transfers (both payment methods with zero protection) .... hope that helps ... should you need to discuss more email me on
I have never had contacts with this "Company" but I can report my experience with another chinese "Company", called SHOW TRADE CARGO. Be carefull, totally carefull, with these purchases! In SHOW TRADE CARGO, me and a friend of mine were swindled in many cents of euros, when tried to purchase digital cameras and acessories! After confirming reception of money by Western Union, no more products, no more words, NOTHING!!! We can really say: SHOW TRADE CARGO is a "company" of ROBBERS!!! The others we don´t know, BUT...
You can't buy with wester union online. Wester union is only to pay friends or family. People you know.
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