Thursday, August 16, 2007


T.h i,s g e+m is reall.y mo_.vable!!

T-h-i+s o-n.e is reall-y profi-'table!!!

H-a_v+e y_o'u b-e*e.n w_*atching t*h_i's f o_r t_h,e l,a's.t w*e-e-k+?

T,a*k,e a l o-o*k at it:

rece.nt n,e*w-s rele,a,ses s e,n,t ge'neratin_g grow-ing int+ erest in C*Y'T*V

Comp+a-ny: C_HINA YO UTV C*O-R-P (*O+T,C BB:CY-T'V.OB)
S t o c k: C.Y'T+V

Cur-rent Pric-e: $..'4-9
4 t*h St-rai,ght d*a_y-s we h.a v,e s-e*e,n t'h,i+s clim-b. (+S,e e Yaho*o C-h-art-New N+e w-s re*lease)

T*h*i's o n,e h'a-s h+a,d n.i,c e ret urns f o'r investo,r.s o_v.e*r t h'e summer., and

n+o_w sho_ws promis'e to b'egin a se_cond w,a'v.e of re'turns.

K'e.e p a e'y+e o u,t agai n on A'u+g 15.,...

Th*eir waitin-g h_a'd n'o't b,e+e.n in v+a'i,n'.

S-S-H is no o'r_dinary u.tility.

Be_fore ca+lling eng_ine, y o.u m_u.s_t a*lloc_ate abo-ut 32 MB of me.mory, a-n*d writ e o,w*n mallo -c() su_brouti+ne wh'ich w*i-l+l prov,ide to engi,ne p-oint-ers to
littl,e part*s of t'h*i_s b*i-g block .

Thei-r s+ho_pping c*a r.t a,n_d b*u-y it n+o,w bu.ttons a r_e gr-eat time*s saver*s.
E*X,E to u-nzip TM W110.

... shit!!!!

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