Vision Airships Global Expansion!
BANGKOK, THAILAND, Jul 09, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Vision
Airships Inc. (PINKSHEETS: VPSN) -- The company wishes to announce that
it has finalized arrangements for funding for its global expansion.
Vision Airships is set to become a worldwide operator of blimps used for
advertising around the world. As the advertising market gets more
crowded in conventional mediums -- the use of alternative forms of
advertising is gaining more and more traction -- this is where Vision
Airships comes in and supplies the end to end solution to major
advertisers worldwide with its unique form of alternative displays. The
size of the market worldwide will support 24 airships which would bring
in approximately $400,000,000 annually.
Check out the news and get on VPSN first thing Tuesday and Wednesday!
Scientists do not know what factors trigger this conversion. Once AD
begins, it progresses relatively slowly. Yet just as the judge cannot
tell the difference, neither are all the popular media likely to,
either. increases the potential for human exposure to material
containing the agent for BSE in this higher-risk meat.
The United States has not had an indigenous case of variant CJD.
But in the long-term, R-CALF could have helped propel Canada's beef
chain development efforts farther and faster than would have happened
in decades without their interference.
CJD is characterized as a prion disease because it is caused by an
infectious protein particle known as a prion.
Trouble is, the OIE does not set standards, as R-CALF has claimed.
I also cannot confirm the import figures Bullard quotes in his column.
We are taking the same approach with Canada.
The idea - as perfected by Washington, D. Should red and processed
meats be removed from U. Bullard has stated the U.
Instead, as those involved in the negotiations have pointed out, the
opposite is true. People who eat contaminated beef may risk contracting
a fatal brain disorder known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
Thanks to R-CALF, Canada's biggest nightmare has been prolonged far
beyond what was necessary. This normal protein can change its shape
into an abnormal, misfolded form called a prion, which is pathogenic
and can destroy nerve cells. Diagnostic tools used by physicians
include tests of memory, problem solving, attention, counting, and
language; medical tests such as tests of blood and urine; and brain
USDA Statement on Final Results of Initial "Inconclusive" BSE Test
USDA Statement on Final Results of Initial "Inconclusive" BSE Test
Release No. That's fine, as far as it goes. They should be running the
show, not lawyers and judges.
Of course, for the last two years, that net figure has risen because of
the closure of export markets. Short term we may experience higher
prices, but longer term we will experience lower prices and reduced
Diagnosis A definitive diagnosis of both AD and CJD requires an autopsy
and examination of brain tissue. Loss of export markets means lower
prices and fewer cattlemen.
Actions like these clearly have unintended consequences. Even worse,
the Times implies that there is no feed ban in place, by calling for an
"end to the feeding practices that can spread mad cow disease.
It didn't take long for this to happen. Family Practice News By Gilbert
Ross, M.
" "failure to explain to the public why these benefits do not justify
mandatory testing. transmission of BSE from those cattle to animals in
the U. These are the born crusaders. As an infection takes hold, prion
proteins invade brain tissue and force normal proteins to adopt their
After all, an infected cow was detected.
They refuse to admit their real agenda, of course. "Multi-national
corporation" is a long-time LAG epithet applied to any company that is
not strictly a "mom and pop" company. But this came to a screeching
halt in December of that year, after inspectors found a single case of
mad-cow disease in a U. Loss of export markets means lower prices and
fewer cattlemen.
Amyloid is a general term for protein fragments that the body produces
normally. Harriett Butchko is a physician with postgraduate training in
neurology and is a Principal in the Foods and Chemicals Practice of
Exponent, Inc.
Yet just as the judge cannot tell the difference, neither are all the
popular media likely to, either.
National Center for Health Statistics.
Further, the OIE does not recommend countries ban meat imported - with
SRMs removed - from countries with low or high BSE risk, contrary to
R-CALF's implication.
and Schonberger, LB. Loss of demand means lower prices and fewer
That could happen any day now and they could be going on at the same
CJD symptoms typically consist of a rapidly progressive dementia,
visual abnormalities, or cerebellar dysfunction including muscle
incoordination and gait and speech abnormalities.
argued the reopening would expose their cattle - and U.
" We can all savor this irony. If USDA decides not to appeal, or loses
the appeal and the case goes to trial, the allegations in R-CALF's
lawsuit could end up all over the pages of newspapers everywhere. The
other two also proved negative in the end.
Prevention is a priority in such a highly fatal disease.
Good text for this stock.
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