Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Great business.. I never have buyed any 'loteria navidad'

Officina de Loteria de Navida
Admin.de Loter�as y Apuestas del Estado
Apartado de correos 026
28085 Madrid-Espa�a


Dear Winner,

We congratulate you over your email success in our computer balloting (Sweepstakes) held on Thursday, December 22-12-2011 and was officially release Friday. 10-02-2012 due to some mix-up with the claim amount. This is a Millennium Scientific Computer Program for(Christmas Lottery Bonanza) in collaboration with OrangeHome in which email addresses were used. Your email address drew and won the sum of �568,750.00 Euros (Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euros Only) in cash credited to file with Reference Number: Esp/win/ds80700, Batch Numbers: NAD/4010; Serial Number: 05327.

To further confirm your winning amount and authenticity of this program, we advice that you consult your winning information by login to our official website: http:// www. laloterianavidad.com/ comprobar-loteria-navidad/ and carefully type in 53404 at INTRODUZCA SU N�MERO and 091 at CUANTO JUEGA then click on (COMPROBAR LOTERIA) to confirm your winning amount. As you are advice to contact Global Seguros Servicio SA for Confirmation of your Winning and you provide your Full Name, Reference Number/ Batch Number Serial Number, Deposit No. 2098389822001490120 and Amount.
Note that 5% of your winning prize will be accredited to Global Seguros Servicio SA as their commision, after you receive your winning sum in your bank and to begin your claim processing, kindly send fax or email to your assigned person Sr.Roberto Pez Juan, with the below details and call him for oral clarification:-

1) Your Full Name:.................................................................................
2) Your Telephone:.................................................................................
3) Mobile Number:..................................................................................
4) Fax Number (If available):......................................................................
4) Your Address:...................................................................................
5) Your Occupation:................................................................................
6) Your Age:.......................................................................................
7) Next of Kin:....................................................................................
9) Amount won:.....................................................................................
10) Reference Number:..............................................................................
11) Batch Numbers:.................................................................................
12) Serial Number:.................................................................................
9) Your Country:........,..........................................................................

Company: Global Seguros Servicio
Contact Name: Sr. Roberto Pez Juan. (Claim/Legal Operations Manager)
Direct Tel: 00(34)-627-030-253
E-Mail: global.seguros@collector.org,

Finally we advice that you keep this winning notification very confidential,until you receive your lump prize either through direct bank transfer, online banking or certified cheque payment. This is a protective measure put in place to avoid double claiming on your winning prize, as we have witness cases like this in the past.
Congratulation in advance,
Sincerely yours,

Mrs.Magda Charles
Presidenta Loter�a de Navidad
website:http: //www .laloterianavidad.com

Sunday, February 12, 2012

hr corpmaileurope.net

Another phishing spam:

Welcoming speech

Let me present to you one of the largest worldwide enterprises where I work as a permanent manager of HR department.

Our company is engaged in different areas of activity, such as:
- companies setting-up
- companies winding-up
- opening accounts in Europe
- etc.

We need employees in Europe:
- salary 2.500 euro + bonus
- 2 - 3 working hours per day
- individual time-table

If our offer is interesting for you send us the below information on our e-mail address:
h r @ c o r p m a i l e u r o p e . n e t (Delete spaces in email address before sending)

Full name:
Telephone Number:

Note! We are searching EU only!

Please provide us with your Personal data (Phone number and First and Last name) and our manager will contact to you to make a brief interview.