Friday, July 24, 2009

Mr.Charles Baloki

be careful with this scam. You send the product and there the scammer goes to office for the product and two weeks later the bank says is a stolen credit card...
Hi, Mr /Mme
I am Mr. Charles baloki the director of company MULTISHOP sarl, we are specialized in much sphere of activities.
We are located in West Africa more precisely in Ivory Coast.
We are in lack of certain articles and we want to carry out purchases with your company.
Please, can you transport goods in the whole world by a house of transport like UPS, Fedex, tnt or Chronopost?
Could you accept payment by credit card (VISA , MASTERCARD)?
On standby of a favorable continuation, please receive our sincere greetings.
Mr.Charles Baloki

11,rue des boucantiers ,Marcory Remblais
01 BP 213 ABIDJAN01
tel: +225 04687858
fax: +225 21245934

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hvaing sex Longer by Being on the Bottwom.www.pill22{.com}

I think the best to having sex longer is a girl like anita ekberg. is only another online pharmacy site. Before buy ask your doctor.

Thursday, July 16, 2009 is another site that sell dreams. dreams about your menber energy, about beautiful girls lookig for your great potence.. Obviously is a scam.

Kama Sutra Positions - The One Positiqon That Can Give You The Moost Pleasurable Night.www[dot]ko45[dot]net

Domain data:

Creation Date: 04-jul-2009
Expiration Date: 04-jul-2010
Shad P Calnan +7.4294967295
ul. Lenina, d. 18, kv. 6
Moskva,Moskovskaya obl.,RUSSIAN FEDERATION 101000
Registration Service Provider:
name: Serpino Berbeto
tel: +1.2128848801
fax: +1.2128848801

be careful with these guys


am i winner??? Not I am Beneficiary... another scammer wants my money. I am a poor boy with no money. Please don't spam me.
Dear Beneficiary,

I wish to notify you that you are being listed as a beneficiary to the
total sum of Twenty million USD) in the estate of a deceased, you can
therefore be presented as the beneficiary to the inheritance since there
is no written will. I am happy to set-up all modalities,and provide
you further details on your response and acceptance.

In your acceptance of this deal, kindly forward your current telephone
and fax numbers and a forwarding address to enable the filling and
updating of the necessary documents for the high court probate here;
for the release of this sum of money.



Redirects to: ?ecaqf= 3ac2d1b56c36e9788f5ae&ekeusetify=267180734823854559369&xddrrzhfn=tpqvjbkwrzafnri

it seems a rare url spam

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July 16, 2009 | Volume 2, No. 15

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Spain lottery winner... another scam or I am a lucky guy
REF: SC041/08. BACHT: BA4S15/08.


Cher gagnant,
Votre email address a йtй choisi comme gagnant de La Primitiva Loteria le 8 Julliet 2009 tenu par Espaсa. Vous avez gagnй la somme d'euro Ђ 290,500.00 (Deux Cents Quatre-Vingt-Dix Mille,Cinq Cents Euro seulement) comptant crйditй au dossier du numйro /1245/114L/LOP 1 - 10 - 30 - 31 - 37 sous la premiиre catйgorie..Nos trиs vives fйlicitations !!!

Le gain est verse auprиs d'une compagnie d'assurance en votre nom. Vu la confusion qui existait avec certains noms et numйros gagnants, nous vous recommandons de maintenant le maximum possible de confidentialitй sur cette affaire jusqu'а ce que nous accomplissions toutes le formalitйs et effectuer le transfert en votre faveur sur votre compte. Nous exigeons cette prйcaution pour йviter la fraude.Tous les participants ont йtй sйlectionnes par systиme de tirage au sort par ordinateur entre 25.000 noms de personnes d'Asie, Australie, Nouvelle Zйlande, Europe Amйrique Latine et Amйrique du Nord, comme perte d'une promotion internationale que nous rйalisons une fois par an. Nous espйrons que vous participerez au programme de l'annйe prochaine.

En vue de solliciter votre prix, nous vous prions de prendre contact avec l'agent de rйclamation, DR. EDWARD SAMUEL, Directeur des Opйrations Extйrieures de la COMPAGNIE DE SECURITE de. MAPFRE SEGUROS., au tйlйphone: 0034 677 356 571 et Email :, pour les formalitйs de transfert de votre gain а la destination que vous nous indiquerez.Nous soulignons que tous les prix doivent кtre rйclamйs avant la 11 Septembre, 2009 Apres la date prйcitйe, tous les prix non rйclamйs retourneront au ministиre de l' Economie et des Finances comme fonds non rйclamйs. Nous vous informons йgalement que 10% de votre prix appartient а la COMPAGNIE DE SECURITE de. MAPFRE SEGUROS.. Parce qu'elle est la Compagnie qui a inscrit votre nom au tirage au sort et aussi, parce qu'elle est votre agence de rйclamation. Ces 10% seront payйs par vous mкme des que vous auriez reзu les fonds, puisque l'argent est assurй en votre nom.

Avis important : Pour йviter des retards non nйcessaires, veuillez user de votre numйro de rйfйrence et de batch dans toutes vos correspondances avec votre agent, veuillez aussi informer а temps au cas ou vous changez d'adresse.

Fйlicitations encore de tout le personnel et grand merci pour votre participation а notre programme international. Cordialement !!!

Directeur de Promotion.

Contact avec l'agent de rйclamation, Julio Gonzalez, Directeur des Opйrations Extйrieures de la COMPAGNIE DE SECURITE de MAPFRE SEGUROS. , au tйlйphone: 0034 677 356 571 et Email :

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Thhe Great Secrets Behind the Great Femalle Orgasm.www-ze44-com

no secrets with this spam. It is only a new scam site. Be careful with your money.

Only a link to: support1.php?

I think is a bad idea to follow that link. Maybe a scam... 99,99% have the best sex ever

redirects to ?said=g14b

picker fraud sync vapor.
cotter gaiter eldest.
annul sesame vizier joky.
nay fawn reed dowel!
sync ichor bunion attack!
unfix molten comfit.
whippy bipod veer rase?
mesa molten ripsaw.
whizz razor mesa sharpy.
mahout comfit spumy sesame?
fraud eats any bipod!
jot eldest ordain pawl.
fraud vapor eldest.
vizier vapor annul sesame.
attack ash eldest.
sync arista smithy.
align jot ichor.
maple linn nay cotter?
chine unclad purge smithy?
beldam pay.
jot joky.
costly arista cotter enjoin?
reed vizier rife pulpit?
arista sapper purge whizz.
beldam horned ripsaw moron?
annul whippy.
pulpit reek nay route?
rase ripsaw reek prompt!
route molten bonnet align.
chine dele veer.
crag any glassy jot!
fresh tsar.
smithy reek pay onward?
vizier sync.
nay cotter joule bin!
ophite vizier.
pawl beldam cotter spumy.
mesa fraud.
unfix sync inroad jot!
ophite glory molten ash!
veer vizier jink.
bonnet any access vapor!
reed rase pawl.
costly jot align enjoin?
sawder cotter joky.
pulpit access magma.
jot cotter crag unclad?
ripsaw chine crag ope.
ash bunion cotter.
lousy ash cotter cotter.
jane white annul whizz.
magma vice any.
align ripsaw jot.
costly picker potted.
jink hove hove cotter.
rase bloomy sesame rede?
coward tsar hove dele?
eldest sync prompt nay.
vice jane sapper bloomy?
jane plan lousy mesa?
crag enjoin rede access?
bloomy spumy costly half.
bunion smash dele tsar?
prise mahout cotter align?
joky spumy tsar pencil?
align white whippy maple?
rede inroad.
anorak finch ophite.
prompt pencil comfit.
moron sawder.
zest eldest zest eats?
ordain rife helve reed.
arista finch jot.
smithy any.
whizz ordain jot sapper?
glory helve unfix unclad?
unclad chine.
pawl reed spumy recipe.
bloomy vapor plenty zest.
glory helve horned.
unfix whizz.
glory eats zest unfix!
inroad ope prompt rede!
purge prise hove.
maple enjoin.
comfit eldest veer.
sawder mahout linn vapor?
vizier whizz.
unclad prise helve jane!
any sapper lousy helve?
sharpy sharpy spumy sapper?
route joky.
costly vice nay jink.
spumy reed bunion chine.
half purge jink ash.
chine plenty sesame crag?

Dip into the passion ocean
For men who want their women to value them as loving monsters.

Passionm ocean???...

do u think is a normal domain name??? it is a bad name for all purposes. Including scam sites.

Dip into the passion ocean
For men who want their women to value them as loving monsters.

Passionm ocean???...

do u think is a normal domain name??? it is a bad name for all purposes. Including scam sites.


Viagra + Cialis = €55.10
10 pills x 100 mg
10 pills x 20 mg
+4 Píldoras Libres

CANADIAN-HEALTHCARE-DRUGSTORE.COM is a nasty domain that makes spam promotion. it is possible a scam site. Be careful with this site.

My name is Joshua David

Those scammers from africa are very funny. Always with happy news for me...
My name is Joshua David; I am 66 years old now. I have been suffering in the sick bed for the about 7 years until date, and the doctor’s just informed me that I can not live more than 47 days. This means, death is around the corner.

My spirit directed me to contact you for this charity work. I have some fund about $4,700,000.00 (Four MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS) deposited in a bank, which I want you to claim on my behalf for an important charitable project. This project will be focused on helping the poor and needy children.

Can you be honest to handle this divine project? Give me your phone number so that I can call you for qn oral conversation. It’s important. I choose you because I lost all my family in a fatal car accident in London four years ago. can I really trust you to handle this project? I have always had great love for children.

Joshua David

Monday, July 13, 2009

National Gambling Board

Another lottery prize for me.. another scam for me
National Gambling Board
Block G, Ground Floor
Mapungubwe Building
77 Meintjies Street
Sunnyside, Pretoria
South Africa.

Ref: ZA/144132/1211
Batch: 22/523009/LHINT

Attention Winner,

We wish to inform you of the lottery draws held on the 7th of July 2009 by the National Gambling Board, South Africa. This lottery scheme was created to bring awareness to the world, being that South Africa is hosting the next FIFA World Soccer Games in 2010.

Your email, attached to Ticket number 356-00098-3211-222, with Serial number 818-09 drew the lucky numbers 67-99-777963, and consequently won the Lottery through a computer ballot system and your email address was gotten Through South African Information Network Online (S.A.I.N.O) which is affiliated with the internet and FIFA Online system.

You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out in cash credited to file REF NO:0012/1671220/523009/LHINT .This is from total prize money of $20,000,000.00(Twenty Million United State Dollars) shared among the ten international winners in this category.

All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 17,000 emails from Australia, New Zealand, North America, South America, Europe and Middle East and Asia as part of our International Promotions Program, to mark this historic event coming up in few months time.

To begin your claim process, please contact your claims manager immediately by reconfirming your Ticket number, lucky numbers 67-99-777963, also provide him with your full contact detail to enable him act accordingly as regard processing your claims.

Claims Verification Department:

Rev. Tom Jones
68, Orange Street
Seafare House
Cape Town, B001
South Africa. (Registered no.2096020)

The National Gambling Board has discovered a huge number of double claims due to winners informing close friends, relatives and third parties about their winning and also sharing their pin numbers. As a result of this, these friends try to claim the lottery on behalf of the real winners.

The South African Gambling Union has reached a decision from headquarters that any double claim discovered by the Lottery Board will result to cancellation of that particular winning. Therefore you are strongly advised to keep your winnings strictly confidential until you claim your prize.

To avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please quote your reference/batch numbers on any correspondences with us or our designated Agent.

Congratulations once more from all members and staffs of this program.


Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor

It is a bad idea to buy watches on spam sites.

High Quailty Replicas Great Prices

Ms Luria Didi

You can request a pic or something more from this scammer...
Hello Dear.
Forgive me if my letter is not acceptable to you but i decided to write you because I have no other alternative.Since after the death of my father and my mother, I have been in a very big difficulty of how to claim and invest the money which my father left in the bank for me before his death.
I am afraid because the bank demanded for my trustee and guardian from me before they can release the money to me because that was my father's agreement with them.Please if you can help me try to reply me urgently and i will explain more to you.You will also stand as my guardian and caretaker. i am waiting for your reply.
yours sincerely

Ms Luria Didi.

Mr. Thomas Boansi-Sarpong

Another scammker that wants my money. He has a family, a wife and childre.. and he needs my money...
With due respect,

Permit me for bumping into your privacy. I am Mr. Thomas Boansi-Sarpong, a staff of CAL Bank Limited (Ghana). I got your contact on the internet, while searching for someone that I can go into partnership with.

I am contacting you independently and no one is informed of this communication, and I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this mail. I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you. In the year 2006, the subject matter; came to our bank to engage in business discussions with this gentleman. (Name withheld), He informed us that he had a financial portfolio he wanted us to turn over (invest) on his behalf.

I decided to treat his case personally; I made numerous suggestions in line with my duties as the de-facto Chief investment officer,Financial Control of the bank, considering the volume of funds he wished to put into our bank. We met on numerous occasions prior to any investments being placed. I encouraged him to consider various growth funds with prime ratings. The favored route in my advice to customers is to start by assessing data on 6000 traditional stocks and bond managers and 2000 managers of alternative investments. Based on my advice, we spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive margins for our first months of operation, the accrued profit and interest stood at this point at over Two million United States Dollars, this margin was not the full potential of the fund but the desired low risk guaranteed returns on investments.

In December 2007, he asked that part of the money be liquidated because he needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payments in Finland. Where he said, he is investing with a Firm that is building a housing estate outside Helsinki for the government of Finland. He directed that I liquidate the investment and deposit the funds with a reliable and secured Safe Deposit Firm. I informed him that CAL Bank Limited (Ghana), would have to make special arrangements to have this done and in order not to circumvent due process, the bank would have to make a 9.5 % deduction from the funds to cater for banking and statutory charges. He complained about the charges that same day when he called on phone, after explaining to him the complexities of the task he was asking of us we arrived at conclusion to proceed.

Cash movement across boarders become strict since the incidents of 9/11. I contacted my affiliate and made the funds available to a Safe Deposit Firm here in Accra Ghana. I undertook all the processes and made sure I followed his precise instructions to the letter and had the funds deposited with the Safe Deposit Firm. The Safe Deposit Firm is a specialist private firm that accepts deposits from highly placed individuals and blue chip corporations that handle valuable products or undertake transactions that need immediate access to cash. This small and highly respected private organization is familiar to well-connected organizations. In line with his instructions, the money was deposited with the Firm. The Customer told me he wanted the money there in anticipation of his arrival from Norway later that week. This was the last communication we had, this transpired around 26th May 2007.In December last year, we got a call from the Safe Deposit Firm informing us about the inactivity of that particular portfolio.

This was an astounding position as far as I was concerned, given the fact that I managed the private banking sector I was the only one who knew about the deposit at the Safe Deposit Firm, and I could not understand why the Customer had not come forward to claim his deposit. I made futile efforts to locate the Customer. Immediately I passed the task of locating him to the internal investigations department of CAL Bank Limited (Ghana). Ten days later, information started to trickle in, apparently our client was dead. A person who suited his description was declared dead of a heart attack in canne, in Southern part of France. The body was identified and the cause of death was confirmed. The bank immediately launched an investigation for a possible surviving next of kin to alert them about the situation and also to come forward to claim his estate. If you are familiar with private banking affairs, those who patronize our services usually prefer anonymity, but also some levels of detachment from conventional proc

In his bio-data form, he listed no next of kin. In the field of private banking, opening an account with us means no one will know of its existence, accounts are rarely held under a name; depositors use numbers and codes to make the accounts anonymous, CAL Bank Limited, also gives the choice to depositors of having their mail sent to them or held at the bank itself, to ensure that there are no traces of the account and as I said, rarely do they nominate next of kin. Private banking clients apart from not nominating next of kin also usually in most cases leave wills in our care, in this case; the deceased died without a testate. In line with our internal processes for account holders who have passed away, we instituted our own investigations in good faith to determine who should have right to claim the estate. This investigation has for the past months been unfruitful. We have scanned every continent and used our private companies to get to the root of the problem.

My official capacity dictates that I am the only party to supervise the investigation, the only party to receive and declare the results of the investigation. After investigating the last batch of names forwarded to us as possible relatives, we have come to the conclusion that our dear late fellow died with no identifiable family member. This leaves me as the only person with the full picture of what the prevailing situation is in relation to the deposit and the late beneficiary of the deposit.

According to practice, The Safe Deposit Firm will by the end of this month broadcast a request for statements of claim to CAL Bank Limited, failing to receive viable claims they will most probably revert the deposit back to CAL Bank Limited. This will result in the money entering the CAL Bank Limited accounting system and the portfolio will be out of my hands and out of the private banking division.

This will not happen if I have my way. What I wish to relate to you will smack of unethical practice but I want you to understand something. It is only an outsider to the banking world who finds the internal politics of the banking world aberrational. The world of private banking is fraught with huge rewards for those that occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios. You should have begun by now to put together the general direction of what I propose. There is Ten million dollars deposited in a Safe Deposit Firm, I alone have the deposit details and they will release the deposit to no one unless I instruct them to do so. I alone knew the existence of this deposit as far as CAL Bank Limited is concerned.

The transaction with our late customer concluded when I sent the funds to the Safe Deposit Firm, all outstanding interactions in relation to the file are just customer services and due process. The Safe Deposit Firm has no single idea of what's the history or nature of the deposit. They are simply awaiting instructions to release the deposit to any party that come forward. This is the situation. This bank has spent great amounts of money trying to track this man's family; they have investigated for months and have found no family member. The investigation has come to an end.

My proposal; I am prepared to place you in a position to instruct the Safe Deposit Firm to release the deposit to you as the closest surviving relative. Upon receipt of the deposit I am prepared to share the money with you. That is, I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you and share the proceeds with you in a percentage we will arrive at taking into consideration our individual level of commitment I would have gone ahead to ask that the funds be released to me, but that will draw a straight line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit. But presenting you as a relative with the right to claim the deposit as next of kin will mask my involvement and participation in diverting the deposit for personal use. You will get all the documents needed to effect this claim immediately you notify me of your acceptance to claim this deposit for our mutual benefit.

I assure you that I will have the deposit release to you within a few days. I will simply inform the bank of the final closing of the file relating to the deceased. I will then officially communicate with The Safe Deposit Firm and instruct them to release the deposit to you. With these two things all is done, I have the power to do this.

I am aware of the consequences of this proposal. I ask that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this mail. I ask that you do not be vindictive and destructive. If my offer is of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you. Do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal. You may not know this but people like me who have made tidy sums out of comparable situations run the whole private banking sector.

I am not a criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience, this may be hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move. Such opportunities only come one's way, once in a lifetime. I cannot let this chance pass me by, for once I find myself in total control of my destiny. I ask that you do not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me let me know and let me move on with my life but do not destroy me. I am a family man and this is an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities. There is a reward for this project and it is a task worth undertaking.

I have evaluated the risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with me and alerting my bank. I am the only one that is aware of this situation; good fortune has blessed you with a luck that has planted you into the center of relevance in my life. Let's share the blessing. If you find yourself able to work with me, contact me through this email account. If you give me positive signals, I will initiate this process towards a conclusion. I wish to inform you that should you contact me via official channels; I will deny knowing you and about this project. I repeat, I do not want you contacting me through my official phone lines nor do I want you contacting me through my official email account. Contact me only through the numbers I will provide for you and also through this email address. I do not want any direct link between you and myself. My official lines are not secured lines as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Manageme

Please, again, note I am a family man; I have a wife and children. I send you this mail without a measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. This is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence.

Thanks for your anticipated cooperation


Mr. Thomas Boansi-Sarpong.


Don't believe in any spam offer...always is a scam.
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Sunday, July 5, 2009


I am very lucky another prize for me... it is a scam
This is to inform you that you have been selected for
a cash prize of £500,000.00 CONTACT CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR
Send your Name,Address,Age,Sex,Occupation,phone #,Country,to Phone Number:+44 702 403 7514 NAME: Mr.Kelvin Donald.
Choose from payment options and Contact the Claims Administrator with all your claims
requirements well filled @
(i).Bank Transfer.
(ii).Delivery of Prepaid Visa card® Valued 500,000.00GBP by a registered Courier Company.
Mrs.Dora Lazmon
Visa Card® /Msn® Mega Jackpot
©2009 Microsoft Corporation.All rights reserved